Training Curriculum with the Aim of Gaining “Digitalization Skills” for Entrepreneurs has been Prepared
Within the SMART Youth Project, a "Curriculum" is created with the cooperation of 6 project partners which includes 6 different training modules in total and aims to provide training skills on business sustainability, crisis prevention and management through digitalization.The relevant curriculum can be accessed via the Smart Business Toolbox.
Click here to access the content of the Smart Business Toolbox.
A Recognition Toolkit for this curriculum is designed in accordance with the European Qualification Framework and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System for Higher Education (ECTS) for academic and training providers. The tool allows the assessment, accumulation, development and recognition of the learning outcomes of the curriculum and their transfer between different training providers. The "Recognition Toolkit" is created to facilitate credit transfer of the created curriculum in education providers, especially higher education institutions, to provide a helpful methodology and to ensure that these complementary training modules are introduced to educational institutions. The target group for the toolkit is educational institutions, young people, students and entrepreneurs interested in developing their own business.
Click here to access the content of the Recognition Toolkit.
Institutions that aim to use the training curriculum prepared within the scope of the project and the recognition toolkit, which includes all the details about the recognition of this curriculum in the credit system, are sufficient to contact the SMART Youth project team to reach any support or detailed information.
Click here to access the contact information of the SMART Youth project team.