VUZF Lab organizes International Conference on Circular Economy and Sustainable Finance
The Laboratory for Applied Scientific Research (VUZF Lab) at VUZF University is organizing International Conference on Circular Economy and Sustainable Finance.
The forum will take place on October 24th 2019, starting at 10:30 a.m. at VUZF University, Hall 501, fl. 5, Sofia, 1 Gusla Str.
Start of registration: 9:30 a.m.
The event will take place in two successive panels. The aim is to hold an open expert discussion on the matters of circular economy.
The first panel will be dedicated to the ways of financing circular economy. The discussion will be around the following questions:
- What is the modern understanding of "circular economy"?
- What are the factors and conditions in order to realize the idea of circular economy?
- Which circular patterns are currently being observed in production and entrepreneurship?
- What is the link between innovation and circular economy?
- What is the role of financial institutions (banks and insurance companies) in financing the circular economy?
- What are the trends on the capital markets related to circular economy?
The focus of the second panel is the circular economy and the sustainability of finance in the context of Bulgaria"s foreign trade policy. The purpose of this panel is to outline some basic trends on the following issues:
- What are the foreign trade imbalances of Bulgaria?
- What is the competitiveness of Bulgarian exports?
- Import-oriented or export-oriented economy - "good practices"
- Circular economy and import-export
Keynote presentations at the forum will be delivered by Prof. Virginia Zhelyazkova, PhD, Deputy Rector for Education and Quality, VUZF University, Prof. Daniela Bobeva, PhD, VUZF University, Prof. Teodoro Gallucci, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, Prof. Panikkos Poutziouris, The University of Central Lancashire (UClan Cyprus); Judge Business School, University of Cambridge and others.
The conference will bring together over 100 leading economists from Bulgaria and abroad, financial experts and analysts, experts in the field of circular economy and sustainable finance, public officials and representatives of State institutions, business, academic and scientific environment from Bulgaria and Europe.
Deadline for submitting requests to participate with papers: 30 September 2019 at: https://vuzflab.eu/en/request-to-participate/
Papers from the conference will be reviewed and published in a collective monograph by "St. Gregory the Theologian" VUZF Publishing House.
They should be between 10 and 15 standard pages (font: Times New Roman, 12, line space: 1.5).
Participation at the conference with papers is free of charge.
Final agenda of the forum will be prepared and published at the beginning of October 2019.
Deadline for submitting full papers: 15 November 2019 at: info@vuzflab.eu
Working languages of the conference: Bulgarian and English.
Deadline for registration for the conference: 22 October 2019 at: info@vuzflab.eu
Program Committee of the conference:
Prof. Grigorii Vazov, PhD
Prof. Sava Grozdev, PhD
Prof. Boyan Durankev, PhD
Prof. Teodoro Galluci, PhD
Prof. Panikkos Poutziouris, PhD
Prof. Daniela Bobeva, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Julia Dobreva, PhD
Organizing Committee of the conference:
Prof. Virginia Zhelyazkova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Radostin Vazov, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Yakim Kitanov, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Ali Veysel, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Teodora Lazarova, PhD
Mirena Shileva
Gergana Genova
For contacts and additional information: tel. +359 2 40 15 803, е-mail: info@vuzflab.eu
Media Partners:
Place: VUZF University, Hall 501, fl. 5, Sofia, 1 Gusla Str.